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4 Fab Family Portrait Tips

4 Fab Family Portrait Tips

4 Fab Family Portrait Tips

Fashion and hairstyles will always evolve, but great family portraits never go out of style. There’s no better time than one of those summer hangouts to snap a family portrait, for we all want to preserve that summer cheerfulness that comes from these sun-filled days! The designers at FastFrame are excited to help you do just that as we dig into some fun photo ideas with our 4 fab family portrait tips.

1. Recreate the Past

Whether you want to have fun with it or pay homage, rebooting an old family photo can certainly be a fun route to a successful family portrait. Head back to that special location or dig those old clothes out of the attic to recreate that special moment from the past. It could even make for some funny, candid moments when grown children recreate a pose from when they were toddlers.

2. Throw a Dance Party

Break out some drinks, put on some music, and have the family show off their best dance moves. The candid moments are sure to ensue! For this idea, try hiring a photographer—if it’s in the budget. Otherwise, you can just pass a smartphone around and let everyone have their turn at playing photographer!

3. Play Dress-up

This can be super simple, such as having everyone wear complementary outfits. Choosing outfits within the same color scheme will make for quite the charming look. If you have something more exciting in mind, you could have everyone dress up as a favorite character or get the family to recreate a scene from a favorite movie or television show.

4. Take it Outside

Taking it outdoors is always a great idea when it comes to family portraits. No more fake backgrounds at the department store photo studio. The great outdoors can offer beautiful natural lighting and gorgeous background landscapes. Start a group chat with the family and try to choose a spot that has some significance, making the photo even more meaningful.

Whatever ideas you incorporate into your family portrait, the most important decisions will come after everyone has gone their separate ways and you’re left to choose display options for the finished product. Your FastFrame designer will assist you in choosing a mat that balances the portrait’s colors, as well as help you sift through our abundance of frame styles. Generally, we’re likely to recommend a frame that’s simple and timeless that will always complement your ever changing decor.

Stop in your local FastFrame today. If you’re looking for more gift ideas, check out our blog post Custom Framing Turns the Ordinary Gift-worthy.

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